A couple of years a go I was returning home from deployment to a world that had changed while I was away. That normally is not an issue but this time, everyone was feeling the effects of the world stoping due to the pandemic. I came to a new life of not being able to do anything. For some that can be a good thing, for me it's not the best thing to happen. I had also moved to an area I knew no one and least of all were the churches were or how to connect with them. A friend of mine told me about NewLife @ YourHouse (the name back then). I connected. At first I was a listener and enjoying every minute of it. The pastor sermons are right on point always. A must needed encouragement and one of the many things that helped me to feel like I was actually living. I heard about the next steps and got more involved. I decided to help in the chat hosting and praying sometimes for the people and their needs. In short it's been a blessing to be able to help WhereYouAre.Church as much as I could. WhereYouAre.Church has helped me to develop a new church family, provided a sense of belonging when I needed it, they prayed for me and where always a listening ear when I was going through rough times. I have truly an extended family with the new friends I have developed there. God has used WhereYouAre.Church to help me grow in various ways, not just in expanding my family but in service. It's been great to be able to help others as much as I can in demonstration of how good God is.