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Tune in each week for new episodes from Pastor Mike and the WhereYouAre.Church team with series designed to help you reconnect with God.

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Watch the Latest Midweek WhereYouAre Series

There's Something About 1 John

Ask the Pastor

What does God have to say about divorce? Why does He allow suffering? Is the Bible relevant to issues that matter in today's society?You've asked the questions, now sit down with Pastors Dave and Mike as they unpack them with a look through the Bible.

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Ask the Pastor

How Do I Talk About God with People in my Life?

It doesn't have to be so daunting to talk about your faith with the people around you. And you don't have to be a great scholar to make sense of Christianity. Sit down with Pastor Mike as he unpacks some fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith with people from different walks of like.

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Napkin Theology

Bible Tips

The Bible is an old book and relating to it can be kinda hard. These events and stories happened so long ago that it's hard to actually feel what the people in the story were feeling. But what if we use our imagination? What if we put ourselves in the scene of each story? We might be able to better understand and apply the messages in the Bible if we ourselves better understand what they were feeling.

#4 - Use Your Imagination

What Does Biblical Manhood Look Like?

Where You Are Dot Church's logo - A map pin with a cross inside it followed by the church's name below the pin.